Friday, March 30, 2012

Awesome Charity Gives Rides and Hope to Cancer Patients

As much as we all like to drool over supercars, the individuals that own them often have a bad reputation. Hearing that turbocharger or supercharger roar as they blow past us on the freeway doesn't make us like them a whole lot. It also takes a tremendous amount of wealth to buy a Ferrari, and the reality is most of us will never have access to the kind of funds required to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a car. One charity in Texas however is using that wealth (and time, which many people who can afford these machines also have in abundance) for a truly good cause: picking up cancer patients in supercars and taking them to the hospital for treatment.

 People undergoing treatment for cancer cannot simply drive themselves to appointments. Chemo leaves patients dizzy and feeling generally awful. It requires frequent trips to and from the hospital, and arranging transportation can be difficult. One cancer survivor in Austin noticed how many cancer patients were on the bus trying to get to treatment appointments, and dreamed up the idea to offer a service to get patients to those appointments – in style, if they so desired.

So Your Ride Is Here was born. It is a service that recruits supercar owners who want to help cancer patients get to the hospital. They ride in all kinds of specialty, classic, and luxury vehicles like the Ferrari Enzo, Aston Martin Rapide, and Chevrolet Camaro. It gives cancer patients the chance to enjoy something fun and forget about being sick for a short while. Even for those who are not car enthusiasts, the charity raises money to pay for any kind of private transportation service to help patients get to their appointments.

If you own a supercar and live in or around the Austin, Texas area visit their website to learn more about how you can help this awesome charity. If you don’t own a supercar, you can also donate money to help cancer patients get transportation anyway.

This is a great way to give back and, as an added bonus, might help the public forgive supercar owners a little for being so wealthy. So if you see a Ferrari driving down the road with a beaming patient in the passenger’s seat, try to reserve just a little judgment and thank Your Ride Is Here for granting smiles to someone who needs it.

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