Before you ever provide credit card info, do a little
research on the company you’re purchasing from.
Make sure they have those payment policies, and privacy policies stated
clearly. Check out their online reviews. See if they are a member of the Better
Business Bureau.
You are about to give them a lot of valuable information about yourself.
Thus, making sure you are dealing with a reputable company is very important.
Make sure you buy the right parts. Online parts companies can only deliver the
part that you order. If you get the
wrong part, odds are they are going to charge you a restocking fee when you
send it back. You might first think this is unfair, but the company has to stop
what they are doing and waste manpower and time to recheck your part back in, because of
a mistake you made. A restocking fee is an
industry standard. If you ever have a question about a part, feel free to call the company and talk to a
sales rep. If the company is legit, it
should have a phone number clearly posted on the website.
If anything ends up going wrong, such as you receive the
wrong part, or the part goes bad, then call the company. They’re almost always willing to help you out,
whether they replace it because it is under warranty or give you a deal on a
new one. I would never recommend that
you do a charge back on your credit card.
A lot of times credit card users think that all they have to do is call
the credit card company and cancel a transaction. This may get the persons money back but what
they do not know is that it is a red flag with their credit card company. You only have so many charge backs before
they cancel the credit card.
Another thing is that you need to make sure you have all
your credit card information right. If you put down
the wrong billing information or type in the wrong credit card number, then the order may not get
processed. This could leave you with a
broken car, wondering what happened to the part you ordered.
I know it seems a little scary to buy auto parts online
but if you do it right you can save a lot of cash. A lot of times the parts are exactly the same that you would get from the mechanic, but much cheaper. Purchasing
parts online is growing extremely fast and I highly recommend it.